so to end the year, this blog will giveaway TWO sets of JONATHAN ADLER goodies! (International readers may join!)
# 1 gift J. ADLER tumblers (set of 6) and a set of sticky notes for WINNER # 1
# 2 gift J. ADLER set of colorful pencils and notecards with envelopes for WINNER # 2
TWO winners will be drawn via random.org to win one each giveaway prize. simply, leave a comment here (dont forget your email address - for non-blogger readers) and let me know what is your no. 1 resolution for 2011!
for additional entries (4 additional comments) :
i'll be honored
a) if you follow my blog via blogger/google
b) if you'd also "LIKE" us in facebook
c) if you'd also "FOLLOW" me in twitter
d) if you'd spread the love and share this giveaway via FB or twitter, i'd be delighted!
thank you all in advance for joining!
winners will be announced on monday, january 3rd 2011!
good luck and may you all have a fantastic new year's eve celebration!
# 1 gift J. ADLER tumblers (set of 6) and a set of sticky notes for WINNER # 1
# 2 gift J. ADLER set of colorful pencils and notecards with envelopes for WINNER # 2
TWO winners will be drawn via random.org to win one each giveaway prize. simply, leave a comment here (dont forget your email address - for non-blogger readers) and let me know what is your no. 1 resolution for 2011!
for additional entries (4 additional comments) :
i'll be honored
a) if you follow my blog via blogger/google
b) if you'd also "LIKE" us in facebook
c) if you'd also "FOLLOW" me in twitter
d) if you'd spread the love and share this giveaway via FB or twitter, i'd be delighted!
thank you all in advance for joining!
winners will be announced on monday, january 3rd 2011!
good luck and may you all have a fantastic new year's eve celebration!
**this giveaway has ended**
I have to lose weight! My doc says i'm a walking timebomb. Eeks
Hope I win! I have a US address (aunt) eventhough I'm in Manila :)
Happy Holidays!!!
I'm a follower! My resolution is to be free of all debt, other than our mortgage.
What a great giveaway! It's always nice to start the new year off clean and organized!
My top New Years resolution is to be thankful for the things that I already have and not the things that I want.
I am also a follower of your blog and love it!
I've loved getting to know you too! :) I'm a follower of your blog!
I'm a follower : )
I'm going to start going to the running class at my gym more often!
already a follower. :)
I have a loooooooong list of resolutions. I guess my top resolution is to learn how to use Photoshop and install/use Photoshop actions.
I like you on Facebook :)
Relax a little more....
What a great giveaway!
I'm losing the weight...for good this time!
I'm a follower of your blog.
I'm a fan on Facebook. :o)
I'm going to learn to make homemade goat cheese! It was my resolution last year too (among others) and I didn't keep it so I'm giving it another go! Now following!
I love your blog and will follow on Facebook:)))
I follow your blog, Michelle Robertson whatiheartblog.blogspot.com
My #1 new years resolution is to fill my Etsy shop, partiesiheart.etsy.com, with party printables!
I like you on FB! Michelle Robertson whatiheartblog.blogspot.com
I'm following you on twitter! @partiesiheart (partiesiheart@gmail.com)
How fun! My new year's resolution is to clean out and organize the closets in my house.
And I'm a follower!
Already a follower to your lovely blog! My new years resolution is to do more work on the house and my blog, oh and to stop biting my nails - although thats a resolution i have had for the past 20 years!
Happy New Year!
Rachie xo
I must sell my house!! Less of a resolution and more of a goal..love your blog and I hope I win!
Happy New Year!
i want to see if i can not drink a soda
tcogbill at live dot com
I MUST GET ORGANIZED! {That's actually about 15 different resolutions all wrapped up into one}
Wow! Nice giveaway! My new years resolution is to eat my pride.
Followed your blog via blogger.
Liked you on facebook as Mxy Rxy Fernandez.
followed you on twitter as novice2aica.
My resoultion is to gain more control in my life...weight, household, choices in general.
I followed you on facebook (Jennifer Drew) and on Twitter (JDrew).
You have a great blog!!
Happy New Year!
Mine is to capture more of my triplets "everyday" moments with my camera.
I just found you, great blog!
jamiedelight @gmail.com
I follow Swanky Chic Fete now, too!
I adore your blog and most definately I am a follower! I have too many resolustions to list. But my main one is not to stress about the little things!
Happy New Year! xoxo
my new year's resolution comes in two parts.
1.) to relax and not freak out about everything
2.) to have more time for me.
Happy New Year!
Hi Lilli! My number 1 res. is to remember on the daily to live sparkly ...to find the magic in the mundane ;) Also following along! Happy New Year, love!
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